Toeplitz Centennial | Toeplitz Memorial Conference in Operator Theory, Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Otto Toeplitz, Tel Aviv, May 11-15, 1981 | ISBN 9783764313333

Toeplitz Centennial

Toeplitz Memorial Conference in Operator Theory, Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Otto Toeplitz, Tel Aviv, May 11-15, 1981

herausgegeben von Izrael Gohberg
Buchcover Toeplitz Centennial  | EAN 9783764313333 | ISBN 3-7643-1333-1 | ISBN 978-3-7643-1333-3

Toeplitz Centennial

Toeplitz Memorial Conference in Operator Theory, Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Otto Toeplitz, Tel Aviv, May 11-15, 1981

herausgegeben von Izrael Gohberg