Loyality from One again ! von Heike Thieme | ISBN 9783759795779

Loyality from One again !

von Heike Thieme
Buchcover Loyality from One again ! | Heike Thieme | EAN 9783759795779 | ISBN 3-7597-9577-3 | ISBN 978-3-7597-9577-9

Loyality from One again !

von Heike Thieme
Anyone who loves his friends,
does not travel to the desert,
does not shit, does not complain as a guest,
does not aspiere highest,
does not cheat public money,
does not laugh at all women,
does insist on the power of the church,
does not know what to do,
does not call others by their names,
does hobby horsing,
does it with one of his daughters,
does not show respect for their mischief,
does not make himself into a special being,
does not deserve special status !