A brief Overview and some Pitfalls regarding Statistical Methods von Johann Markus Schauerhuber | ISBN 9783757574970

A brief Overview and some Pitfalls regarding Statistical Methods

von Johann Markus Schauerhuber
Buchcover A brief Overview and some Pitfalls regarding Statistical Methods | Johann Markus Schauerhuber | EAN 9783757574970 | ISBN 3-7575-7497-4 | ISBN 978-3-7575-7497-0

A brief Overview and some Pitfalls regarding Statistical Methods

von Johann Markus Schauerhuber
Empirically working students, scientists but also practitioners are in most cases confronted with the use of more or less advanced statistical methods.
In their book ‘Writing a Successful Thesis Or Dissertation: Tips and Strategies for Students in the Social and Behavioral Sciences’, Lunenburg and Irby succeeded in outlining a non-formal and widely accessible overview of statistical methods. This interesting and helpful presentation by the two authors shall be briefly presented as a synopsis and countered with a statement from an application-oriented point of view, in which it is argued that statistical analysis in practice nevertheless is garnished with many pitfalls.