Struffoli and Gingerbreadhouse von Silvana Maria Giuseppina Goldbach | My story between italian-german roots | ISBN 9783757574949

Struffoli and Gingerbreadhouse

My story between italian-german roots

von Silvana Maria Giuseppina Goldbach
Buchcover Struffoli and Gingerbreadhouse | Silvana Maria Giuseppina Goldbach | EAN 9783757574949 | ISBN 3-7575-7494-X | ISBN 978-3-7575-7494-9

Struffoli and Gingerbreadhouse

My story between italian-german roots

von Silvana Maria Giuseppina Goldbach
This book is the English translation of Struffoli and Gingerbreadhouse - it is dedicated to my english relatives. The story begins with a traffic accident in the 60s and its tragic consequences for a young family. It is a family story in Italy, Germany, England, which ultimately leads to the search for a father. A journey to Silesia serves as the crowning conclusion to this search for roots.