Market Research with Panels von Martin Günther | Types, Surveys, Analysis, and Applications | ISBN 9783658376529

Market Research with Panels

Types, Surveys, Analysis, and Applications

von Martin Günther, Ulrich Vossebein und Raimund Wildner
Autor / AutorinMartin Günther
Autor / AutorinUlrich Vossebein
Autor / AutorinRaimund Wildner
Buchcover Market Research with Panels | Martin Günther | EAN 9783658376529 | ISBN 3-658-37652-X | ISBN 978-3-658-37652-9

Market Research with Panels

Types, Surveys, Analysis, and Applications

von Martin Günther, Ulrich Vossebein und Raimund Wildner
Autor / AutorinMartin Günther
Autor / AutorinUlrich Vossebein
Autor / AutorinRaimund Wildner

One of the most important tasks of market research is to read market developments in such a way that one's own company can use them for its own purposes. Companies that fail to sound out the market quickly fall behind. To prevent this, panel data is being consulted in more and more industries. This book shows students and practitioners how to use panels to conduct market and product analyses. Among others, the book covers the following types of panels: retail, consumer, media, pharmaceutical, and agriculture. 

Readers can learn how to identify, extract, and analyze important information such as consumer buying behavior, market efforts of competitors, and general trends and developments in the market. The goal is for the reader to be able to structure marketing strategies according to the movements in the market.