Plant Nutrients in Desert Environments von Arden D. Day | ISBN 9783642776540

Plant Nutrients in Desert Environments

von Arden D. Day und Kenneth L. Ludeke
Autor / AutorinArden D. Day
Autor / AutorinKenneth L. Ludeke
Buchcover Plant Nutrients in Desert Environments | Arden D. Day | EAN 9783642776540 | ISBN 3-642-77654-X | ISBN 978-3-642-77654-0

Plant Nutrients in Desert Environments

von Arden D. Day und Kenneth L. Ludeke
Autor / AutorinArden D. Day
Autor / AutorinKenneth L. Ludeke

Plant nutrients are found in a relatively thin layer of soil materials that covers all of the continents of the entire world. These plant nutrients provide the necessary food, clothing, and shelter for human existence. As the population of the world increases, the plant nutrients in desert environments become more and more important for the survival of mankind. Plant Nutrients in Desert Environments is a general information book for both professionals and laymen. The common plant nutrients present in deserts are identified, and detailed instructions are given on how to effectively utilize them in commercial agriculture, home gardening, home landscaping, for disturbed land reclamation and for recreational purposes. Outstanding photographs illustrate the topics.