Magnetic Domains von Alex Hubert | The Analysis of Magnetic Microstructures | ISBN 9783540641087

Magnetic Domains

The Analysis of Magnetic Microstructures

von Alex Hubert und Rudolf Schäfer
Autor / AutorinAlex Hubert
Autor / AutorinRudolf Schäfer
Buchcover Magnetic Domains | Alex Hubert | EAN 9783540641087 | ISBN 3-540-64108-4 | ISBN 978-3-540-64108-7

Magnetic Domains

The Analysis of Magnetic Microstructures

von Alex Hubert und Rudolf Schäfer
Autor / AutorinAlex Hubert
Autor / AutorinRudolf Schäfer
The book gives a systematic and comprehensive survey of the complete area of magnetic microstructures. It reaches from micromagnetism of nanoparticles to complex structures of extended magnetic materials. The book starts with a comprehensive evaluation of traditional and modern experimental methods for the observation of magnetic domains and continues with the treatment of important methods for the theoretical analysis of magnetic microcstructures. A survey of the necessary techniques in materials characterization is given. The book offers an observation and analysis of magnetic domains in all traditional and contemporary areas of application.