Small Astronomical Observatories | Amateur and Professional Designs and Constructions | ISBN 9783540199137

Small Astronomical Observatories

Amateur and Professional Designs and Constructions

herausgegeben von Patrick Moore
Buchcover Small Astronomical Observatories  | EAN 9783540199137 | ISBN 3-540-19913-6 | ISBN 978-3-540-19913-7
„This is not book for the light-hearted, the weray or the poor man, but most certainly for the dreamer ! The reviewer greatly enjoyed the book and is sure that many others will do the same.“ Irish Astronomical Journal

Small Astronomical Observatories

Amateur and Professional Designs and Constructions

herausgegeben von Patrick Moore

In Small Astronomical Observatories , Patrick Moore has collected descriptions of amateur and small professional observatories currently in use in Europe and America, showing how many astronomers have built their own observatory, often with effective and sometimes extraordinary improvisations to reduce the cost. There is a photograph of each, along with details of its construction and a foreword written by Patrick Moore. In addition to providing a fascinating study for its own sake, Small Astronomical Observatories offers a unique fund of ideas and practical details for anyone who wants to build an amateur or small professional observatory.