Mass Spectra of Designer Drugs 2016 von Peter Rösner | ISBN 9783527342082

Mass Spectra of Designer Drugs 2016

von Peter Rösner
Buchcover Mass Spectra of Designer Drugs 2016 | Peter Rösner | EAN 9783527342082 | ISBN 3-527-34208-7 | ISBN 978-3-527-34208-2

Mass Spectra of Designer Drugs 2016

von Peter Rösner
Designer Drugs 2016 features 23,477 mass spectra and 18,823 unique compounds predominantly classified as novel psychoactive substances (NPS). These drugs have been synthesized for several decades from common chemicals and skillfully marketed under attractive, exotic names, often to skirt existing laws. Therefore, many novel psychoactive substances can be overlooked or difficult to detect or characterize. The last two decades have seen a proliferation of such substances, such that keeping abreast of this huge number of new drugs is a difficult task for forensic chemists and toxicologists.
The mass spectra found in this impressive mass spectral reference library were compiled by Editor Peter Rösner and extensively reviewed by the mass spectral experts Giselher Fritschi and Thomas Junge. The Designer Drugs 2016 mass spectral database was developed to help forensics and toxicology labs combat the designer drug global health epidemic. This edition features the addition of around 2,400 new mass spectra and over 1,900 new compounds, including opiates, cannabinoids, and steroids. With an average quality index per spectrum of 945.5 and 14,650 kovat's indices this spectral library provides comprehensive data on the most up-to-date list of novel psychoactive substances.
Updated annually, the 2016 edition covers the range of known novel psychoactive substances through December 31, 2015. Upgrades are available for purchasers of prior editions. Contact your sales person for upgrade information.
Compound coverage can be searched at www. compoundsearch. com.