Grundkurs Prädikantendienst von Bernd Vogel | ISBN 9783525630303

Grundkurs Prädikantendienst

von Bernd Vogel und Petra Roedenbeck-Wachsmann
Autor / AutorinBernd Vogel
Autor / AutorinPetra Roedenbeck-Wachsmann
Buchcover Grundkurs Prädikantendienst | Bernd Vogel | EAN 9783525630303 | ISBN 3-525-63030-1 | ISBN 978-3-525-63030-3

Grundkurs Prädikantendienst

von Bernd Vogel und Petra Roedenbeck-Wachsmann
Autor / AutorinBernd Vogel
Autor / AutorinPetra Roedenbeck-Wachsmann
A service without a pastor – is that possible? According to Protestant thought – the “Priesthood of all Believers” – that is not a problem, and practice shows that there is a growing number of well-trained laypreachers who are already organising services in the parish congregations. Fostering such persons and strengthening their self-conceptions and their self-confidence is the goal of this introductory course. The most important element is the basic theological orientation, which the authors present in a very practical manner: In clear and understandable language and with the fire of conviction they tackle even the most difficult topics of Christian faith: christology, salvation, and of course liturgics. An extensively commented tour of the possible agendas of services complements the orientation.