Systemic Interventions von Arist von Schlippe | ISBN 9783525402207

Systemic Interventions

von Arist von Schlippe und Jochen Schweitzer, übersetzt von Charlotte Weston-Horsmann
Autor / AutorinArist von Schlippe
Autor / AutorinJochen Schweitzer
Übersetzt vonCharlotte Weston-Horsmann
Buchcover Systemic Interventions | Arist von Schlippe | EAN 9783525402207 | ISBN 3-525-40220-1 | ISBN 978-3-525-40220-7

Systemic Interventions

von Arist von Schlippe und Jochen Schweitzer, übersetzt von Charlotte Weston-Horsmann
Autor / AutorinArist von Schlippe
Autor / AutorinJochen Schweitzer
Übersetzt vonCharlotte Weston-Horsmann
Systemic thinking has opened up further areas of specialization from one-on-one and couples therapy to clinical supervision and organizational development. Systemic intervention sees a problem as an incident involving a number of different, interacting individuals. In this sense, conflict, problems and occurrences are viewed and treated within the social context. This comprehensive introduction contains many examples and detailed suggestions for a practical approach to directed conversation.