Structural Bearings von Helmut Eggert | ISBN 9783433012383

Structural Bearings

von Helmut Eggert und Wolfgang Kauschke
Autor / AutorinHelmut Eggert
Autor / AutorinWolfgang Kauschke
Buchcover Structural Bearings | Helmut Eggert | EAN 9783433012383 | ISBN 3-433-01238-5 | ISBN 978-3-433-01238-3

Structural Bearings

von Helmut Eggert und Wolfgang Kauschke
Autor / AutorinHelmut Eggert
Autor / AutorinWolfgang Kauschke
Bearings are used in the construction of bridges, for the distribution of loads between different elements and for compensating stresses. This volume describes their construction, function, calculation and applications, and is supplemented by normative regulations and research results.
The book takes account of EN 1337 standards, which are binding on a European level. It also takes into account the latest experiences gained in practice as well as on the basis of recent tests, and includes examples for the correct placing of bearings and dampers.