Hidden Culprit: Atherosclerosis & Heart Disease von Jessy | ISBN 9783384226976

Hidden Culprit: Atherosclerosis & Heart Disease

von Jessy
Buchcover Hidden Culprit: Atherosclerosis & Heart Disease | Jessy | EAN 9783384226976 | ISBN 3-384-22697-6 | ISBN 978-3-384-22697-6
Individuals Concerned About Heart Health: This is a broad audience. The title uses the word "hidden," implying the book empowers readers with knowledge about a lesser-known risk factor for heart disease. It would be ideal for anyone who wants to take a proactive approach to preventing heart problems. People with a Family History of Heart Disease: Those with a family history might be particularly interested in understanding atherosclerosis and how to manage their risk factors.
Adults Looking to Improve Cardiovascular Health: Individuals concerned about their overall cardiovascular health would find this book valuable. It could offer practical strategies for reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Hidden Culprit: Atherosclerosis & Heart Disease

von Jessy
Cholesterol, a waxy substance in your blood, plays a double game in your body. While it's needed for healthy cells, high levels can silently build up in arteries, increasing your risk of heart attack and stroke.
Imagine cholesterol like sticky fat clinging to artery walls. Over time, this buildup narrows the arteries (atherosclerosis), reducing blood flow. In a heart attack, a clot blocks a narrowed artery supplying the heart muscle, causing severe chest pain and potential tissue damage. Strokes occur when a clot cuts off blood flow to the brain, leading to sudden weakness, speech problems, or paralysis.
The two main cholesterol players are LDL („bad“) and HDL („good“). LDL deposits cholesterol in arteries, while HDL carries it away for disposal. High LDL and low HDL raise your risk.
The good news? You can influence your cholesterol levels. Lifestyle changes like a healthy diet, regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight can significantly lower LDL and boost HDL. If these aren't enough, medication can help.
Get your cholesterol checked regularly, especially if you have a family history of heart disease or other risk factors. Early detection and management can significantly reduce your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Remember, healthy habits are key to keeping your arteries clear and your heart happy.