Intelligent Envelopes for High-Performance Buildings von Guedi Capeluto | Design and Strategy | ISBN 9783319392547

Intelligent Envelopes for High-Performance Buildings

Design and Strategy

von Guedi Capeluto und Carlos Ernesto Ochoa
Autor / AutorinGuedi Capeluto
Autor / AutorinCarlos Ernesto Ochoa
Buchcover Intelligent Envelopes for High-Performance Buildings | Guedi Capeluto | EAN 9783319392547 | ISBN 3-319-39254-9 | ISBN 978-3-319-39254-7

Intelligent Envelopes for High-Performance Buildings

Design and Strategy

von Guedi Capeluto und Carlos Ernesto Ochoa
Autor / AutorinGuedi Capeluto
Autor / AutorinCarlos Ernesto Ochoa

This book presents a series of significant methods and examples for the design of sustainable intelligent facades in a variety of contexts. Emphasis is placed on how intelligence has been applied for successful energy-saving efforts in the planning of building envelopes.
Readers will find essential information on the core principles involved in designing, calculating and organizing intelligent facades according to the need for a new or retrofitted building. Not only are different materials and technologies considered, but also efficient ways to combine them according to user needs and other project-specific constraints. Illustrations, tables and graphs accompany the text, clarifying the concepts discussed.
Architects, facade consultants and all those interested in and energy-saving measures and improved indoor comfort will find this book useful not only as an introduction to the subject but also as a guide to achieving more responsive building methods.