Biomaterials and Their Applications von Hamid Reza Rezaie | ISBN 9783319178455

Biomaterials and Their Applications

von Hamid Reza Rezaie, Leila Bakhtiari und Andreas Öchsner
Autor / AutorinHamid Reza Rezaie
Autor / AutorinLeila Bakhtiari
Autor / AutorinAndreas Öchsner
Buchcover Biomaterials and Their Applications | Hamid Reza Rezaie | EAN 9783319178455 | ISBN 3-319-17845-8 | ISBN 978-3-319-17845-5

Biomaterials and Their Applications

von Hamid Reza Rezaie, Leila Bakhtiari und Andreas Öchsner
Autor / AutorinHamid Reza Rezaie
Autor / AutorinLeila Bakhtiari
Autor / AutorinAndreas Öchsner
This short book presents an overview of different types of biomaterial such as bio ceramics, bio polymers, metals and bio composites, while especially focusing on nano biomaterials and their applications in different tissues. It provides a compact introduction to nano materials for drug delivery systems, tissue engineering and implants, while also reviewing essential trends in the biomaterial field over the last few decades and the latest developments.