Advances in Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 4 | Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Paris 1979 | ISBN 9783211815915

Advances in Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 4

Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Paris 1979

herausgegeben von F.J. Gillingham, J. Gybels, E.R. Hitchcock, G.F. Rossi und G. Szikla
Herausgegeben vonF.J. Gillingham
Herausgegeben vonJ. Gybels
Herausgegeben vonE.R. Hitchcock
Herausgegeben vonG.F. Rossi
Herausgegeben vonG. Szikla
Buchcover Advances in Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 4  | EAN 9783211815915 | ISBN 3-211-81591-0 | ISBN 978-3-211-81591-5

Advances in Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 4

Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Paris 1979

herausgegeben von F.J. Gillingham, J. Gybels, E.R. Hitchcock, G.F. Rossi und G. Szikla
Herausgegeben vonF.J. Gillingham
Herausgegeben vonJ. Gybels
Herausgegeben vonE.R. Hitchcock
Herausgegeben vonG.F. Rossi
Herausgegeben vonG. Szikla


Target Point, Target Volume, “Whole Brain” Stereotaxis: Remarks on Some Present Trends of Evolution in Stereotactic Neurosurgery.- Section I. Surgery of Epilepsy A. Introduction.- Why, When, and How Surgery of Epilepsy?.- B. Reports.- Surgical Aspects of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Results and Problems.- Surgery of Epilepsy Based on Stereotactic Investigations—the Plan of the SEEG Investigation.- Application of Stereotactic Concepts to the Surgery of Epilepsy.- Long Term Results of Cortical Excisions Based on Stereotactic Investigations in Severe, Drug Resistant Epilepsies.- Surgical Interruption of the Conduction Pathways for the Control of Intractable Epilepsy.- From Experiences of Medial Amygdalotomy on Epileptics.- Neurophysiological Remarks.- C. Communications.- Burr-Hole Electrocorticography.- Differential Diagnosis Between Temporal and “Perisylvian” Epilepsy in a Surgical Perspective.- Clinical and Chrono- topographic Psydiomotor Seizure Patterns (SEEG Study with Reference to Postoperative Results).- Stereo-EEG and Surgery in Partial Epilepsy with Temporo-Parieto-Occipital Foci.- Relationship Between the Location and Delimitation of the Epileptogenic Zone and Surgical Results. A Report of 24 Patients Operated on Using the Technique Described by J. Talairach et al.- Medically Intractable Epilepsies of Tumoural Aetiology. Report of 4 Cases Treated According to the Method Described by J. Talairach et al.- Anterior Callosotomy in Epileptics with Multiform Seizures and Bilateral Synchronous Spike and Wave EEG Pattern.- Anterior Callosotomy as a Substitute for Hemispherectomy.- Late Results of Stereotactic Radiofrequency Lesions in Epilepsy.- Stereotactic Lesions in Primary Epilepsy of the Limbic System.- The Effect of Medial Amygdalotomy and AnteriorHippocampotomy on Behavior and Seizures in Epileptic Patients.- Memory and Learning in Epileptic Patients Treated by Amygdalotomy and Anterior Hippocampotomy.- Slowing of Scalp EEG After Electrical Stimulation of Amygdala in Man.- Central Stimulation Treatment of Epilepsy.- D. Closure.- Closing Remarks.- Section II. Stereotactic Cerebral Irradiation.- Some Comments on the INSERM Symposium on Stereotactic. Cerebral Irradiations Held Friday, July 13, 1979.- Section III. Neurostimulation for Pain and Spasticity A. Pain.- Analgesia Induced by Electrical Stimulation of the Brain Stem in Animals: Involvement of Serotoninergic Mechanisms.- The Current Status of Analgesie Brain Stimulation.- Biochemistry of Pain Relief with Intracerebral Stimulation. Few Facts and Many Hypotheses.- Control of Dyskinesias Due to Sensory Deafferentation by Means of Thalamic Stimulation.- Deep Brain Stimulation in Mesencephalic Lemniscus Medialis for Chronic Pain.- Electrical Stimulation of the Central Gray for Pain Relief in Human: Autopsy Data.- Indications and Ethical Considerations of Deep Brain Stimulation.- Septal Stimulation on Painful and Symbolic Stress. Experimental Study.- A Study on the Tridimensional Distribution of Somatosensory Evoked Responses in Human Thalamus to Aid the Placement of Stimulating Electrodes for Treatment of Pain.- Deep Brain Stimulation for Severe, Chronic Pain.- Chronic Self-Stimulation of the Medial Posterior Inferior Thalamus for the Alleviation of Deafferentation Pain.- Alleviation of Atypical Trigeminal Pain by Stimulation of the Gasserian Ganglion via an Implanted Electrode.- Stimulation of Conus-Epiconus with Pisces. Further Indications.- B. Spasticity.- Chronic Cerebellar Stimulation for Cerebral Palsy—Five-Year Study.- Side Effects and Long-Term Resultsof Chronic Cerebellar Stimulation in Man.- Correlation of Clinical and Physiological Effects of Cerebellar Stimulation.- Stereotactic Approadi to Therapeutic Stimulation of Cerebellum for Spasticity.- Chronic Self-Stimulation of the Dentate Nucleus for the Relief of Spasticity.- Section IV. Advances and New Techniques.- Experimental Percutaneous Approach to the Trigeminal Ganglion in Dogs with Histopathological Evaluation of Radio- frequency Lesions.- Stereotaxic Aspects of Percutaneous Trigeminal Gangliolysis.- The Effectiveness of Trigeminal Thermocoagulation for Recurrent Paroxysmal Trigeminal Neuralgia After Previous Intra-Cranial Surgery.- First Results with Extralemniscal Myelotomy.- Pain Relief After Dorsal Root Entry Zone Lesions.- Rostrai Mesencephalic Reticulotomy for Pain Relief. Report of 15 Cases.- Stereotactic Lesions Studied by Computer Tomography.- Long Term Effects of Stereotaxic Thalamotomy on Parameters of Cognitive Functioning.- Stereotaxic Clipping of Arterial and Arteriovenous Aneurysms of the Brain.- Combined Approach (Stereotactic-Microsurgical) to a Paraventricular Arteriovenous Malformation. Case Report.- Investigations Concerning Motor Control in Patients Suffering from Various Lesions of Sensory- Motor Systems.- Evoked Responses by Physiological Sensory Inputs in Human Central Motor Structures.- Pisces Stimulation for Motor Neurone Disease.- Long-Term Results of Posterior Functional Rhizotomy.- Intraneoplastic Administration of Bleomycin in Intracerebral Gliomas: A Pilot Study.