Mergers & Acquisitions von Martin Glaum | Management des externen Unternehmenswachstums | ISBN 9783170203754

Mergers & Acquisitions

Management des externen Unternehmenswachstums

von Martin Glaum und Thomas Hutzschenreuter
Autor / AutorinMartin Glaum
Autor / AutorinThomas Hutzschenreuter
Buchcover Mergers & Acquisitions | Martin Glaum | EAN 9783170203754 | ISBN 3-17-020375-4 | ISBN 978-3-17-020375-4
Leseprobe 1
Studierende in fortgeschrittenen Semestern von Bachelor- sowie in Masterstudiengängen und in Executive-Education-Programmen, interessierte Praktiker.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Management des externen Unternehmenswachstums

von Martin Glaum und Thomas Hutzschenreuter
Autor / AutorinMartin Glaum
Autor / AutorinThomas Hutzschenreuter
Mergers and Acquisitions (M& A) are important means of corporate development. Through M& A size and structure of corporations can be changed fast and extensively. Meanwhile empirical studies show, that frequently the real goals aspired by M& A are not achieved. The core of this book is made up of the question how acquisitions and other forms of corporate mergers can be initiated, planned and executed successfully. M& A are discussed holistically from the perspectives of strategic management and the financial world. Special attention is paid to including results of recent economic research in it's variety of fields. Many practical examples illustrate the presentation in order to give the reader a vibrant picture of the challenges of M& A.