Shakespeare on Stage and Screen von Rainer Gocke | Othello in Excerpts Schülerband | ISBN 9783140402644

Shakespeare on Stage and Screen

Othello in Excerpts Schülerband

von Rainer Gocke und Marlena Tronicke
Autor / AutorinRainer Gocke
Autor / AutorinMarlena Tronicke
Buchcover Shakespeare on Stage and Screen | Rainer Gocke | EAN 9783140402644 | ISBN 3-14-040264-3 | ISBN 978-3-14-040264-4

Shakespeare on Stage and Screen

Othello in Excerpts Schülerband

von Rainer Gocke und Marlena Tronicke
Autor / AutorinRainer Gocke
Autor / AutorinMarlena Tronicke

Jealousy, ‘the green-eyed monster’, is the central theme and the driving force of most of the dramatic figures and their actions in this Shakespearean tragedy. It clearly overshadows other topics like race, intrigues, military careers, the role of women in former times etc. The dominating character, who causes the play’s spectacular events and finally the tragic hero’s downfall, is Iago, probably the most notorious, treacherous, intelligent and fascinating of villains in Shakespeare.