Cross-Coupling Reactions, Workbench Edition | ISBN 9783131734112

Cross-Coupling Reactions, Workbench Edition

herausgegeben von Gary A. Molander, Mats Larhed und John Wolfe
Herausgegeben vonGary A. Molander
Herausgegeben vonMats Larhed
Herausgegeben vonJohn Wolfe
Buchcover Cross-Coupling Reactions, Workbench Edition  | EAN 9783131734112 | ISBN 3-13-173411-6 | ISBN 978-3-13-173411-2

Cross-Coupling Reactions, Workbench Edition

herausgegeben von Gary A. Molander, Mats Larhed und John Wolfe
Herausgegeben vonGary A. Molander
Herausgegeben vonMats Larhed
Herausgegeben vonJohn Wolfe
In „Science of Synthesis: Cross Coupling and Heck-Type Reactions“, expert authors present and discuss the best and most reliable methods currently available for the formation of new carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bonds using these reactions, highlighted with representative experimental procedures. Together, the three volumes of Cross Coupling and Heck-Type Reactions provide an extensive overview of the current state of the art in this field of central importance in modern chemistry, and are an invaluable resource for the practicing synthetic organic chemist.
The Cross Coupling and Heck-Type Reaction set consists of the following volumes:
Cross Coupling and Heck Type Reactions 1: C-C Cross Coupling Using Organometallic Partners Cross Coupling and Heck Type Reactions 2: Carbon-Heteroatom Cross Coupling and C-C Cross Couplings of Acidic C-H Nucleophiles Cross Coupling and Heck Type Reactions 3: Metal-Catalyzed Heck-Type Reactions and C-H Couplings via C-H Activation