Poetry in Fragments | Studies on the Hesiodic Corpus and its Afterlife | ISBN 9783110536218

Poetry in Fragments

Studies on the Hesiodic Corpus and its Afterlife

herausgegeben von Christos Tsagalis
Buchcover Poetry in Fragments  | EAN 9783110536218 | ISBN 3-11-053621-8 | ISBN 978-3-11-053621-8

„In sum, therefore, the volume contains a rich array of papers [...] there is much to commend in this volume, which demonstrates just how much attention this ‘variegated corpus’ of Hesiodic poetry still demands.“
Thomas J. Nelson in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2018.07.33

Poetry in Fragments

Studies on the Hesiodic Corpus and its Afterlife

herausgegeben von Christos Tsagalis

Next to the Theogony and the Works and Days stands an entire corpus of fragmentary works attributed to the Boeotian poet Hesiod that has during the last thirty years attracted growing scholarly interest. Whereas other studies have concentrated either on the interpretation of the best preserved work of this corpus, the Catalogue of Women , or have offered detailed commentaries, this volume aims at bringing together studies focusing on generic and contextual factors pertaining to the various works of the Hesiodic corpus, the Catalogue of Women included, and the corpus' afterlife in Rome and Byzantium.