Commento agli "Epigrammata Bobiensia" von Francesca Romana Nocchi | ISBN 9783110462012

Commento agli "Epigrammata Bobiensia"

von Francesca Romana Nocchi
Buchcover Commento agli "Epigrammata Bobiensia" | Francesca Romana Nocchi | EAN 9783110462012 | ISBN 3-11-046201-X | ISBN 978-3-11-046201-2

„Un’ampia Bibliogra a (411-54), un Index nominum et rerum notabilium (455-61) e un Index locorum (462-82) chiudono il volume, che appare destinato ad infondere nuova linfa nel dibattito critico sugli Epigrammata Bobiensia e ad imporsi come utile strumento per gli studiosi dell’epigramma tardoantico in genere.“
Marco Onorato in: Bolletino di Studi Latini Anno XLVIII - fascicolo I - Gennaio-Giugno 2018: 328-330

„Il s’agit, au final, d’un ouvrage d’une richesse et d’une érudition remarquables, qui offre une synthèse exhaustive sur le recueil des Epigrammata Bobiensia . Il ne fait nul doute que sa publication fera date, et que ce volume sera désormais indispensable pour l’étude non seulement de ce recueil poétique, mais aussi de la poésie latine tardive en général, dont il montre de manière tout à fait remarquable, pour l’histoire littéraire et culturelle de l’Antiquité tardive, la « matrice rhétorique et scolaire ».“
Céline Urlacher-Becht in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2018.03.02

Commento agli "Epigrammata Bobiensia"

von Francesca Romana Nocchi

The Epigrammata Bobiensia are a collection consisting of 71 poems written between the fourth and fifth century d. C. This book offers new answers to old and fundamental questions, such as the identity of the authors of anonymous texts, the original extent of the collection, and the disposal of the same epigrams. The collection deals with a huge variety of epigrammatic themes and genres: while translations are chiefly from the Greek, the main and most valuable epigrams are those written by the poet Naucellius. All the authors belong to an educated pagan environment associated with Symmachus, but gravitating toward Ausonius. The absence of polemical accents and the search for balanced expressions fit well with this pagan elite, for whom the literary revival of classic models is a rhetorical exercise and an instrument of cultural affirmation. The importance of Epigrammata Bobiensia consists preeminently in the fact that they appear as the most emblematic cultural product of Late Antiquity.