New Horizons in Patient Safety: Safe Communication von Annegret Hannawa | Evidence-based core Competencies with Case Studies from Nursing Practice | ISBN 9783110453041

New Horizons in Patient Safety: Safe Communication

Evidence-based core Competencies with Case Studies from Nursing Practice

von Annegret Hannawa, Anne Wendt und Lisa Day
Autor / AutorinAnnegret Hannawa
Autor / AutorinAnne Wendt
Autor / AutorinLisa Day
Buchcover New Horizons in Patient Safety: Safe Communication | Annegret Hannawa | EAN 9783110453041 | ISBN 3-11-045304-5 | ISBN 978-3-11-045304-1

„This book provides essential insights and experiential learning for practitioners,

undergraduate and graduate students of nursing. If adopted broadly in schools of

nursing, it can make a huge impact on improving patient safety.“

Patricia Benner, R. N., Ph. D., FAAN, Professor, Emerita, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences,

University of California, San Francisco clinical practice

New Horizons in Patient Safety: Safe Communication

Evidence-based core Competencies with Case Studies from Nursing Practice

von Annegret Hannawa, Anne Wendt und Lisa Day
Autor / AutorinAnnegret Hannawa
Autor / AutorinAnne Wendt
Autor / AutorinLisa Day

This case studies book is an indispensable resource for educators, students, and practitioners of nursing. It is innovative in its application of lessons from the communication sciences to common challenges in the delivery of safe patient care. The authors apply basic tenets of human communication to the context of nursing to provide a foundation for practices that can advance the safety and quality of care.

The cases, which describe „close calls“ and adverse events, are organized along the continuum of healthcare delivery, providing quick access to solutions in commonly encountered care situations. Each case is accompanied by a discussion of how skillful communication can be key to preventing and recovering from errors and adverse events. Thought-provoking discussion questions and references for further reading make this book a valuable reference for nursing educators, students, and practitioners across the world.