The Metaphysics of Becoming von Thomas Padiyath | On the Relationship between Creativity and God in Whitehead and Supermind and Sachchidananda in Aurobindo | ISBN 9783110342789

The Metaphysics of Becoming

On the Relationship between Creativity and God in Whitehead and Supermind and Sachchidananda in Aurobindo

von Thomas Padiyath
Buchcover The Metaphysics of Becoming | Thomas Padiyath | EAN 9783110342789 | ISBN 3-11-034278-2 | ISBN 978-3-11-034278-9

The Metaphysics of Becoming

On the Relationship between Creativity and God in Whitehead and Supermind and Sachchidananda in Aurobindo

von Thomas Padiyath
This study attempts to elucidate a possible meeting point of the traditions of Eastern and Western metaphysical thinking. In discussing Whitehead’s and Aurobindo’s views on being and becoming, it seeks the possibility of a better engagement between the East and the West in the light of the philosophical insights. It is an initiation into the Sitz im Leben of Whitehead’s philosophy and his general thought pattern. It carries a perceptive analysis to show the clear primacy of Becoming or Process in Whitehead that extends even to the Divine. It also highlights Aurobindo as a unique Indian Philosopher, who articulated Indian thought in Western categories. He was able to integrate the evolutionary theory of the West with the Indian understanding of becoming. The relationship between God and Creativity and Sachchidananda and the Supermind is studied within the context of Enlightenment and Modernity and the way of doing philosophy in the West and in the East.