The Time Window of Language von Martin Trautwein | The Interaction between Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Knowledge in the Temporal Interpretation of German and English Texts | ISBN 9783110182132

The Time Window of Language

The Interaction between Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Knowledge in the Temporal Interpretation of German and English Texts

von Martin Trautwein
Buchcover The Time Window of Language | Martin Trautwein | EAN 9783110182132 | ISBN 3-11-018213-0 | ISBN 978-3-11-018213-2
„[...] eine Studie auf hohem theoretischem Niveau [...].“Michael Schreiber in: Germanistik 3-4/2007

The Time Window of Language

The Interaction between Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Knowledge in the Temporal Interpretation of German and English Texts

von Martin Trautwein
Focusing on English and German examples, the study deals with the temporal interpretation of texts in non-aspect languages. The author presumes that a coherent interpretation of a text results from a complex interaction between linguistic and extra-linguistic information. The study presents a unified account of the semantics of temporality which treats the varying grammatical factors (aspectual classes, tense, and discourse structure) in a systematic way.