Hier geht es zu den WDR 3 Resonanzen – Peter Zumthor spricht über die Arbeit über die Entstehung dieses besonderen Buchs.
«Die kleine Zumthor-Handbibliothek demonstriert, wie man viel von sich preisgeben kann, ohne sich oder andere zur Schau zu stellen.» Tilo Richter, ProgrammZeitung Basel
«Ein schmucker, editorisch herausragend gestalteter Schuber», Urs Berger, Biel-Benkemer Dorf-Zytig
«Wie wertvoll, dass diese denkwürdigen Ereignisse im Kunsthaus Bregenz nun nachhaltig nachlesbar sind.» Martina Pfeifer Steiner, nextroom
«But the true worth is in the dialogues where he explores interests and processes with other authors and erudites of the highest order: an intellectual drumroll that for a while took the evasive master out of hiding.» Laura Mulas, Arquitectura Viva
In summer 2017, celebrated Swiss architect Peter Zumthor curated the exhibition Dear to Me at the Kunsthaus Bregenz, marking the twentieth anniversary of one of his most famous designs. Part of the program were conversations with philosophers, curators, historians, composers, writers, photographers, collectors, and craftsmen that Zumthor had invited to contribute to the exhibition. His dialogues with them offer insights into the thoughts and practice of fascinating personalities. Together with his counterparts, he explores artistic preferences and practices, reasonings, as well as practical knowledge from artisanal experience. Always charming and affectionate, he follows up persistently, and with gentle determination takes his guests on mutual intellectual strolls.
In this German edition of Dear to Me , Zumthor’s equally serious and serene conversations with Anita with Anita Albus, Aleida Assmann, Marcel Beyer, Hélène Binet, Hannes Böhringer, Renate Breuss, Claudia Comte, Bice Curiger, Esther Kinsky, Ralf Konersmann, Walter Lietha, Olga Neuwirth, Rebecca Saunders, Karl Schlögel, Martin Seel, Rudolf Walli, and Wim Wenders are collected in seventeen booklets held together in an exquisitely manufactured box. An eighteenth complementary booklet documents the Dear to Me exhibition in Bregenz through concise texts and images.