Towards Ethical and Socially Responsible Explainable AI von Mohammad Amir Khusru Akhtar | Challenges and Opportunities | ISBN 9783031664885

Towards Ethical and Socially Responsible Explainable AI

Challenges and Opportunities

von Mohammad Amir Khusru Akhtar, Mohit Kumar und Anand Nayyar
Autor / AutorinMohammad Amir Khusru Akhtar
Autor / AutorinMohit Kumar
Autor / AutorinAnand Nayyar
Buchcover Towards Ethical and Socially Responsible Explainable AI | Mohammad Amir Khusru Akhtar | EAN 9783031664885 | ISBN 3-031-66488-4 | ISBN 978-3-031-66488-5

Towards Ethical and Socially Responsible Explainable AI

Challenges and Opportunities

von Mohammad Amir Khusru Akhtar, Mohit Kumar und Anand Nayyar
Autor / AutorinMohammad Amir Khusru Akhtar
Autor / AutorinMohit Kumar
Autor / AutorinAnand Nayyar

The book consists of ten chapters that focus on the development of ethical and socially responsible explainable AI.

Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the book and discusses the need for explainable AI, its definition, and the importance of ethical and socially responsible AI development. It also highlights the challenges involved in developing ethical and socially responsible explainable AI, such as technical and socio-cultural challenges, and the role of human-centered design in addressing them. The chapter also emphasizes the importance of transparency, accountability, fairness, non-discrimination, privacy, and security in the development of explainable AI and the need for ethical governance.

Chapter 2 delves deeper into the need for explainable AI, exploring the ethical and social implications of this technology. The chapter discusses the benefits and limitations of explainable AI and how it can be used to promote fairness, transparency, and accountability. It also examines the potential risks and challenges of using AI, such as its impact on employment, privacy, security, and social inequality.

Chapter 3 focuses on the challenges involved in developing ethical and socially responsible explainable AI. It discusses the technical challenges, such as the complexity of AI algorithms and the difficulty in interpreting their outputs. It also explores the socio-cultural challenges, such as the need to consider cultural norms, values, and biases when developing AI systems.

Chapter 4 discusses the role of human-centered design in developing explainable AI. It explains the principles of human-centered design, which prioritizes the user's needs and experiences in the design process, and how these principles can be applied to AI development. It also discusses how involving diverse stakeholders in the design process can lead to more ethical and socially responsible AI systems.

Chapter 5 focuses on transparency and accountability in explainable AI. It provides an overview of best practices for ensuring transparency and accountability in AI development, such as making AI systems explainable and auditable. It also gives examples of how these practices have been implemented in real-world AI systems.

Chapter 6 explores the importance of ensuring fairness and non-discrimination in explainable AI. It discusses the potential for AI to perpetuate or exacerbate existing social inequalities, such as racial bias in criminal justice systems, and the need to address these issues in AI development. The chapter also examines how to ensure AI systems are designed and implemented fairly.

Chapter 7 discusses privacy and security considerations in explainable AI. It explains how privacy and security concerns intersect with ethical and social responsibility in AI development and the potential risks of using AI for surveillance and monitoring. The chapter also examines best practices for addressing privacy and security concerns in AI systems, such as adopting privacy-by-design principles.

Chapter 8 emphasizes the importance of ethical governance in explainable AI. It provides an overview of the need for ethical governance in AI development and implementation and examines potential models for ethical governance in AI.

The chapter also discusses the role of stakeholders in ensuring ethical governance in AI systems.

Chapter 9 explores socially responsible applications of explainable AI in various domains, such as healthcare, finance, and criminal justice. It discusses the potential benefits and risks of using AI in these domains and the need to ensure that AI systems are ethical and socially responsible.

Chapter 10 concludes the book by summarizing the key takeaways from the previous chapters and discussing potential future directions for ethical and socially responsible AI development and implementation.