Innovations and Economic and Social Changes due to Artificial Intelligence: The State of the Art | ISBN 9783031334603

Innovations and Economic and Social Changes due to Artificial Intelligence: The State of the Art

herausgegeben von Domenico Marino und Melchiorre Alberto Monaca
Herausgegeben vonDomenico Marino
Herausgegeben vonMelchiorre Alberto Monaca
Buchcover Innovations and Economic and Social Changes due to Artificial Intelligence: The State of the Art  | EAN 9783031334603 | ISBN 3-031-33460-4 | ISBN 978-3-031-33460-3

Innovations and Economic and Social Changes due to Artificial Intelligence: The State of the Art

herausgegeben von Domenico Marino und Melchiorre Alberto Monaca
Herausgegeben vonDomenico Marino
Herausgegeben vonMelchiorre Alberto Monaca

The book aims to deal with the main advances in the study of artificial intelligence, the digital and circular economy, and innovation from a multidisciplinary perspective.

Whoever governs the artificial intelligence will hold the keys to the world and the future. This book explains the growing role of artificial intelligence in our lives and the need to understand its mechanisms.

The book presents original research articles addressing various aspects of artificial intelligence applied to economics, law, management, and optimization. The topics discussed include economics, territorial policies, law, resource allocation strategies, information technology, and learning for inclusion.

Combining the input of contributing professors and researchers from Italian and other foreign universities, the book is of interest to students, researchers, and practitioners, as well as members of the public in general, interested in the world of the artificial intelligence and economics.