The Digital Platform Economy Index 2020 von László Szerb | ISBN 9783030896508

The Digital Platform Economy Index 2020

von László Szerb, Eva Somogyine Komlosi, Zoltan J. Acs, Esteban Lafuente und Abraham K. Song
Autor / AutorinLászló Szerb
Autor / AutorinEva Somogyine Komlosi
Autor / AutorinZoltan J. Acs
Autor / AutorinEsteban Lafuente
Autor / AutorinAbraham K. Song
Buchcover The Digital Platform Economy Index 2020 | László Szerb | EAN 9783030896508 | ISBN 3-030-89650-1 | ISBN 978-3-030-89650-8

The Digital Platform Economy Index 2020

von László Szerb, Eva Somogyine Komlosi, Zoltan J. Acs, Esteban Lafuente und Abraham K. Song
Autor / AutorinLászló Szerb
Autor / AutorinEva Somogyine Komlosi
Autor / AutorinZoltan J. Acs
Autor / AutorinEsteban Lafuente
Autor / AutorinAbraham K. Song
This book presents the 2020 Digital Platform Economy Index (DPE Index). The DPE Index integrates two separate but related literatures on ecosystems, namely, the digital ecosystem and the entrepreneurial ecosystem. This new framework situates digital entrepreneurship within the broader context of users, platforms, and institutions, such that two biotic entities (users and agents) actuate individual agency, and two abiotic components (digital infrastructure and digital platforms) form the external environment. The DPE Index framework includes 12 pillars that integrate the digital and the entrepreneurship ecosystems. Here, the authors report on the DPE Index, the four sub-indices, and the 12 pillar values for 116 countries as well as provide a cluster analysis based on the 12 pillars.