Dynamics of Habitat-forest Interface Zones von Marielle Jappiot | ISBN 9781848215559

Dynamics of Habitat-forest Interface Zones

von Marielle Jappiot und Marlène Long-Fournel
Autor / AutorinMarielle Jappiot
Autor / AutorinMarlène Long-Fournel
Buchcover Dynamics of Habitat-forest Interface Zones | Marielle Jappiot | EAN 9781848215559 | ISBN 1-84821-555-X | ISBN 978-1-84821-555-9

Dynamics of Habitat-forest Interface Zones

von Marielle Jappiot und Marlène Long-Fournel
Autor / AutorinMarielle Jappiot
Autor / AutorinMarlène Long-Fournel
Irstea has developed a mapping method of the habitat-forest interface areas based on remote sensing data and spatial analysis data. These areas are important in terms of forest fire danger, because this is where we can find both the causes of fire outbreaks and the vulnerable area exposed to fire. This work has allowed us to define types of interfaces. There are very little data figures about the surfaces occupied by these interfaces and even less data about their dynamics throughout time. We propose to detail an approach about the Bouches du Rhône and Haute Corse and to see the evolution over the past ten years. This leads to indications for administrators about rapidly changing zones.