Functional and Selective Neck Dissection von Javier Gavilan | ISBN 9781588900166

Functional and Selective Neck Dissection

von Javier Gavilan und Lawrence W. De Santo
Autor / AutorinJavier Gavilan
Autor / AutorinLawrence W. De Santo
Buchcover Functional and Selective Neck Dissection | Javier Gavilan | EAN 9781588900166 | ISBN 1-58890-016-9 | ISBN 978-1-58890-016-6

Functional and Selective Neck Dissection

von Javier Gavilan und Lawrence W. De Santo
Autor / AutorinJavier Gavilan
Autor / AutorinLawrence W. De Santo
With a whole new approach to neck dissection, this superb book examines the differences between surgical techniques and conceptual approaches to neck dissection. It strives to connect the two points of view, beginning with a historical perspective of the procedure from both the American and Latin perspective.
The book creates a better understanding of the reasons behind selective neck dissection, starting with an explanation of the fascial compartmentalization of the neck. This is a step-by-step guide to the operative technique of functional and other non-radical neck dissections. A full list of technical hints and pitfalls, along with nearly 200 color photographs and drawings, are included to enhance the learning process. The book is essential for any professional that wants to understand the rationale, indications, and results of the functional approach to the neck, including otolaryngologists, head and neck surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons, plastic surgeons, and general surgeons.