Ethernet in the First Mile von Wael W. Diab | Access for Everyone | ISBN 9781559379472

Ethernet in the First Mile

Access for Everyone

von Wael W. Diab und Howard M. Frazier
Autor / AutorinWael W. Diab
Autor / AutorinHoward M. Frazier
Buchcover Ethernet in the First Mile | Wael W. Diab | EAN 9781559379472 | ISBN 1-55937-947-2 | ISBN 978-1-55937-947-2

Ethernet in the First Mile

Access for Everyone

von Wael W. Diab und Howard M. Frazier
Autor / AutorinWael W. Diab
Autor / AutorinHoward M. Frazier
IEEE Std 802.3ah-2004 is an outstanding resource for those building products compatible with the Ethernet in the First Mile standard. This book brings the standard to life by explaining the basic principles behind the standard, presenting the tradeoffs that led to the standardization of the specific technologies, and providing a guide to help you navigate through the formal prose. Presented in a concise and easy to read format, Ethernet in the First Mile: Access for Everyone, is a must have for end users, deployers, service providers, venture capitalists, IT professionals, and students. In order to give readers quick access to the information they need, each chapter begins with an overview, defines what the reader should expect to learn in that section, and ends with a summary of concepts, which gives readers quick access to the information they seek. Authors Wael Diab and Howard Frazier provide the story of Ethernet in the First Mile: why it happened, how it happened, what exactly happened, and what it will do for you. As the leaders of the standards project, these authors saw it all, from beginning to end. Facts are separated from fiction, giving you the straight scoop, and the inside story. This work is meant to serve as a companion to the IEEE standard; a Rosetta stone to help you decipher the hieroglyphics. Tutorial material not allowed in formal standards documents is provided, giving insights and illuminating the murky corners of the standard. The end result is a must-have resource for anyone interested in Ethernet in the First Mile technology.