Fundamentals of Nanoscaled Field Effect Transistors von Amit Chaudhry | ISBN 9781493944828

Fundamentals of Nanoscaled Field Effect Transistors

von Amit Chaudhry
Buchcover Fundamentals of Nanoscaled Field Effect Transistors | Amit Chaudhry | EAN 9781493944828 | ISBN 1-4939-4482-7 | ISBN 978-1-4939-4482-8

Fundamentals of Nanoscaled Field Effect Transistors

von Amit Chaudhry

Fundamentals of Nanoscaled Field Effect Transistors gives comprehensive coverage of the fundamental physical principles and theory behind nanoscale transistors. The specific issues that arise for nanoscale MOSFETs, such as quantum mechanical tunneling and inversion layer quantization, are fully explored. The solutions to these issues, such as high-κ technology, strained-Si technology, alternate devices structures and graphene technology are also given. Some case studies regarding the above issues and solution are also given in the book.