Frontiers in Particle Physics | Cergèse 1994 | ISBN 9781489910844

Frontiers in Particle Physics

Cergèse 1994

herausgegeben von Jean-Marc Gérard, Raymond Gastmans, Jean Iliopoulos und M. Lévy
Herausgegeben vonJean-Marc Gérard
Herausgegeben vonRaymond Gastmans
Herausgegeben vonJean Iliopoulos
Herausgegeben vonM. Lévy
Buchcover Frontiers in Particle Physics  | EAN 9781489910844 | ISBN 1-4899-1084-0 | ISBN 978-1-4899-1084-4

Frontiers in Particle Physics

Cergèse 1994

herausgegeben von Jean-Marc Gérard, Raymond Gastmans, Jean Iliopoulos und M. Lévy
Herausgegeben vonJean-Marc Gérard
Herausgegeben vonRaymond Gastmans
Herausgegeben vonJean Iliopoulos
Herausgegeben vonM. Lévy


Physics Results from the First Electron-Proton Collider HERA; A. De Roeck. Diffractive Production of Dijets at HERA: A Simple Model; M. Diehl. Deep Inelastic Scattering and Small-x Physics; A. H. Mueller. Higher Order QCD Corrections; Z. Kunszt. Nonperturbative QCD on the Continuum: Solving the Dyson-Schwinger Equations; A. Gentles. On the New Method of Computing Two-loop Massive Diagrams; A. Czarnecki. Precision Tests of the Standard Model; M. Martinez. The Top... Is It There? A Survey of the CDF and D0 Experiments; A. V. Tollestrup. Supersymmetric Grand Unified Theories and Yukawa Unification; B. C. Allanach. Chiral Symmetry Breaking for Fundamental Fermions; A. Bashir. Dark Matter: A Challenge for Particle Astrophysics; B. Sadoulet. Selected Experimental Results from Neutrino Physics; M. Spiro. Conformal Field Theory; Vl. Dotsenko. On the Basics of Topological Quantum Field Theory; L. Baulieu. Some Properties of (Super)P-Branes; P. Demkin. Accelerator Experiments for the Next Century; P. Darriulat. Index.