#A Sample Handling and Usefulness of Isotopes.- #A-1 Separation science applied to analyses on biological samples.- #A-2 Sample handling in forensic toxicology.- #A-3 Stable isotopes in pharmacokinetic studies.- #A-4 Isotope-labelled materials as internal standards.- #NC(A) NOTES and COMMENTS related to the foregoing topics.- #NC(A)-1 Approaches for determining ethylenediamine and its metabolites: use of [14C]- and [D4]-ethylenediamine.- #NC(A)-2 Selective sample preparation techniques for trace analysis.- #NC(A)-3 Simplified approaches to the HPLC determination of drugs in biological samples.- #B Strategies for HPLC (Other Than Detection) and for TLC.- #B-1 Development and application of an HPLC pre-concentration device suitable for large amounts of biological sample.- #B-2 Multi-solvent optimization of HPLC separations.- #B-3 Optimization strategies for chromatographic analysis of multi-component mixtures.- #B-4 Reversed-phase TLC on alkyl-bonded and paraffin-coated silica gel.- #NC(B) NOTES and COMMENTS related to the foregoing topics.- #NC(B)-1 Chemically bonded stationary phases in (HP)TLC.- #NC(B)-2 TLC as a pilot technique for reversed-phase HPLC.- #C HPLC Detection, and Determination of Metal-Complex Drugs.- #C-1 Comparative performance of different HPLC systems with electrochemical detection.- #C-2 Specific element chromatographic detection by plasma spectral emission, as applied to organometallies and gold-containing drugs.- #C-3 HPLC-electrochemical determination of cis-platinum anti-cancer drugs.- #C-4 HPLC analysis of cisplatin analogues in biological fluids.- #C-5 The therapeutic use of gold compounds: analytical aspects.- #C-6 Clinical analysis of divalent platinum complexes with anti-neoplastic activity l6l.- #C-7 Solid phase derivatization reactions inHPLC.- #NC(C) NOTES and COMMENTS related to the foregoing topics l8l.- #NC(C)-1 Post-column reaction detectors for trace analysis in HPLC.- #NC(C)-2 Post-column reaction with ferric chloride for the detection of D-penicillamine.- #NC(C)-3 An evaluation of a two-electrode coulometric detector.- #NC(C)-4 A comparison of the moving belt and direct liquid introduction interfaces for HPLC-MS of ranitidine and its metabolites.- #D Tamoxifen and Other Anti-Cancer Drugs.- #D-1 Determination of the anti-cancer drug amsacrine in biological fluids by HPLC.- #D-2 Over-view of problems in determining tamoxifen levels in biological samples.- #D-3 Analysis of tamoxifen and its metabolites.- #D-4 HPLC methodology for therapeutic monitoring of tamoxifen and two major metabolites in blood and tissues.- #D-5 Analyses for tamoxifen, its metabolites and endogenous oestrogens in blood plasma and tumour tissue.- #NC(D) NOTES and COMMENTS related to the foregoing topics.- #NC(D)-1 Determination of tamoxifen and N-desmethyltamoxifen in plasma by HPLC.- #NC(D)-2 Identification of adriamycin and its metabolites in human and animal tissues and blood.- #NC(D)-3 Antibodies to deoxycytidine triphosphate (dCTP) suitable for its radioimmunoassay.- #NC(D)-4 Combined RIA/HPLC of methotrexate and its metabolites.- #NC(D)-5 Radioimmunoassay of methotrexate.- #E Ligand Methods for Drugs in Forensic and other Contexts.- #E-1 Radioimmunoassay in forensic science.- #E-2 Spin immunoassay for drug determination.- #E-3 Advent and present-day status of ligand methods.- #E-4 Radioreceptor assay of anticholinergic drugs in biological fluids.- #E-5 Receptor binding and HPLC analysis of benzodiazepines in a clinical laboratory.- #NC(E) NOTES and COMMENTS related to the foregoing topics.- #NC(E)-1 Assay of secoverine and active metabolites: comparison of stable isotope dilution with receptor binding assay.- #NC(E)-2 Some trends in ligand methods, including fluoroimmunoassay.- #NC(E)-3 Plasma morphine: comparison of results obtained by HPLC and RIA.- #F Various Analytes in Biological and Forensic Samples.- #F-1 HPLC with electrochemical detection: applications for the neurosciences.- #F-2 Gas chromatography with electron-capture detection for measurement of bioactive amines in biological samples.- #F-3 Analysis of the metabolites of bumetanide in urine by HPLC.- #F-4 Assay of compounds of forensic interest.- #F-5 Detection of solvent abuse by direct mass spectrometry on expired air.- #NC(F) NOTES and COMMENTS related to the foregoing topics.- #NC(F)-1 Explosives and other nitro compounds determined by liquid chromatography with photolysis-electrochemical detection.- #NC(F)-2 Nitroglycerin assay in plasma by thermal energy analyzer.- #NC(F)-3 A comparison of HPLC-thermal energy analysis and GC- electron capture detection for determining isosorbide dinitrate and its mononitrate metabolites in human plasma.- #G Analytical Quality Assurance.- #G-1 The role of external quality assessment schemes in the determination of plasma drug levels.- #G-2 Validation of bioanalytical procedures: an example.- #NC(G) NOTES and COMMENTS related to the foregoing topics.- #NC(G)-1 GLP in a chemical-pharmaceutical company: current status and experiences in analytical and drug disposition department.- #NC(G)-2 Quality control systems for routine drug analysis.- Analyte Index.- General Index.- Corrections to vols. 12 & 13.