Statistics Applied to Clinical Trials von Ton J. Cleophas | ISBN 9781402095221

Statistics Applied to Clinical Trials

von Ton J. Cleophas, A.H. Zwinderman, Toine F. Cleophas und Eugene P. Cleophas
Autor / AutorinTon J. Cleophas
Autor / AutorinA.H. Zwinderman
Autor / AutorinToine F. Cleophas
Autor / AutorinEugene P. Cleophas
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Buchcover Statistics Applied to Clinical Trials | Ton J. Cleophas | EAN 9781402095221 | ISBN 1-4020-9522-8 | ISBN 978-1-4020-9522-1

From the reviews of the fourth edition:

„Readership: Students, physicians and investigators interested in statistical methods for clinical trials. This book was originally written for a course in medical statistics given in the EU sponsored program European Interuniversity Diploma of Pharmaceutical Medicine starting in the year 2000. … it has been expanded and updated in order to serve as a guide and reference-text to students, physicians and investigators.“ (Andreas Rosenblad, International Statistical Review, Vol. 77 (3), 2009)

“The book is written for students in health care and physicians and can be viewed as a guide and reference textbook. … an important contribution to the clinical trials and medical statistics community. … The book’s main strength is its presentation, which deepens the knowledge and understanding of applications of statistical methods and analyses of clinical trials. … The many good motivating examples make the book a useful resource for instructors teaching introductory statistics courses. I enjoyed reading this book, and you will too.” (Technometrics, Vol. 52 (2), May, 2010)

Statistics Applied to Clinical Trials

von Ton J. Cleophas, A.H. Zwinderman, Toine F. Cleophas und Eugene P. Cleophas
Autor / AutorinTon J. Cleophas
Autor / AutorinA.H. Zwinderman
Autor / AutorinToine F. Cleophas
Autor / AutorinEugene P. Cleophas
In clinical medicine appropriate statistics has become indispensable to evaluate treatment effects. Randomized controlled trials are currently the only trials that truly provide evidence-based medicine. Evidence based medicine has become crucial to optimal treatment of patients. We can define randomized controlled trials by using Christopher J. Bulpitt’s definition “a carefully and ethically designed experiment which includes the provision of adequate and appropriate controls by a process of randomization, so that precisely framed questions can be answered”. The answers given by randomized controlled trials constitute at present the way how patients should be clinically managed. In the setup of such randomized trial one of the most important issues is the statistical basis. The randomized trial will never work when the statistical grounds and analyses have not been clearly defined beforehand. All endpoints should be clearly defined in order to perform appropriate power calculations. Based on these power calculations the exact number of available patients can be calculated in order to have a sufficient quantity of individuals to have the predefined questions answered. Therefore, every clinical physician should be capable to understand the statistical basis of well performed clinical trials. It is therefore a great pleasure that Drs. T. J. Cleophas, A. H. Zwinderman, and T. F. Cleophas have published a book on statistical analysis of clinical trials. The book entitled “Statistics Applied to Clinical Trials” is clearly written and makes complex issues in statistical analysis transparant.