Intersections between Feminist and Queer Theory | ISBN 9781349522941

Intersections between Feminist and Queer Theory

herausgegeben von D. Richardson, J. McLaughlin und M. Casey
Herausgegeben vonD. Richardson
Herausgegeben vonJ. McLaughlin
Herausgegeben vonM. Casey
Buchcover Intersections between Feminist and Queer Theory  | EAN 9781349522941 | ISBN 1-349-52294-5 | ISBN 978-1-349-52294-1

Intersections between Feminist and Queer Theory

herausgegeben von D. Richardson, J. McLaughlin und M. Casey
Herausgegeben vonD. Richardson
Herausgegeben vonJ. McLaughlin
Herausgegeben vonM. Casey
Queer ideas have unsettled other forms of exploring gender and sexuality in particular feminism and feminists have been significant critics. This book explores the debates between feminist and queer theorizing to seek out interconnections and identify new directions in thinking about sexuality and gender that may emerge out of and at the interface.