Public Space Acupuncture | ISBN 9780989331708

Public Space Acupuncture

herausgegeben von Helena Casanova
Buchcover Public Space Acupuncture  | EAN 9780989331708 | ISBN 0-9893317-0-9 | ISBN 978-0-9893317-0-8

Public Space Acupuncture

herausgegeben von Helena Casanova
As the financial crisis deepens in many European countries and the construction sector remains in a slump, many plans for urban regeneration have been shelved. Cities are cutting their spending on large public works, so the time is ripe for low-cost strategies that have a positive impact on the urban habitat. One such strategy is Public Space Acupuncture, in which independent, but coordinated small interventions help regenerate urban public space and city life. It is based on Zygmunt Bauman’s characterization of the current era as Liquid Modernity. With works on Switzerland, The Netherlands, Austria, China, Germany, Spain, Albania, Denmark, Hungary, Slovakia, Latvia and Korea.