Commonsense use of Medicines von John Fry | ISBN 9780852009963

Commonsense use of Medicines

von John Fry, J.R. Trounce und M. Godfrey
Autor / AutorinJohn Fry
Autor / AutorinJ.R. Trounce
Autor / AutorinM. Godfrey
Buchcover Commonsense use of Medicines | John Fry | EAN 9780852009963 | ISBN 0-85200-996-8 | ISBN 978-0-85200-996-3

Commonsense use of Medicines

von John Fry, J.R. Trounce und M. Godfrey
Autor / AutorinJohn Fry
Autor / AutorinJ.R. Trounce
Autor / AutorinM. Godfrey
We share with our colleagues the difficulties presented by the increasing volume of drugs available for our use in the care of patients. The introduction of new and effective preparations has added to our problems both in keeping up to date and, paradoxically, in their proper selection and use. There are yet further difficulties in general practice because of the nature of the diseases and situations encountered; uncer tainties in the preciseness of di-a. gnosis, in the likely course and outcome of diseases and in the particular characteristics of the individual patient. We have attempted to ease these difficulties by adopting a logical but Simplistic schematic approach to the choice of medicines for 14 selected common conditions. Our approach includes: • statements of knowledge and understanding of the conditions; • analyses of the most suitable available drugs; • setting objectives and principles for management; • suggested treatment plans. The suggestions are, of course, our own and may not be completely acceptable to some of our readers, but in creating this schematic approach our intention has been that those who follow it will be able to select from alternative preparations with satisfactory results.