Real Analysis von Emmanuele DiBenedetto | ISBN 9780817642310

Real Analysis

von Emmanuele DiBenedetto
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Buchcover Real Analysis | Emmanuele DiBenedetto | EAN 9780817642310 | ISBN 0-8176-4231-5 | ISBN 978-0-8176-4231-0

„The book serves as a solid building block for research in analysis, PDEs, the calculus of variations, probability theory and approximation theory; it provides an excellent foundation of real analysis.“   —ZENTRALBLATT MATH

„This is a very good book. It begins with the standard material, but also includes chapters dealing with distributions and weak derivatives, special topics (e. g., the Calderón-Zygmund decomposition theorem, the Marcinkiewicz interpolation theorem), and Sobolev spaces . . . The Lebesgue integral is done in Rn and compared to the integral of Riemann... abstract measure theory and the Radon--Nykodym theorem are also treated... The author weaves together standard and non-standard material. I think this book would be of value to anyone with a serious interest in analysis. It is also suitable as a textbook.“   —SIAM REVIEW

„Each chapter is completed by a set of exercises and problems that add new features and shed new light on the results from the main text. Bringing together, in a relatively small number of pages, important and difficult results in real analysis that are of current use in application to PDEs, Fourier and harmonic analysis, and approximation, this valuable book is of great interest to researchers working in these areas, but it can be used for advanced graduate courses in real analysis as well.“   —STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI, SERIES MATHEMATICA

"Every advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate student who would mount mathematical Parnassus must master analysis; library shelves groan with texts and monographs aimed to aid the ascent . . . The first seven chapters of DiBenedetto's book constitute a standard year-long course in measure theory and functional analysis, including the theory of distributions, so important for partial differential equations, a motivating priority for the author. Treatments of Hausdorff measure and the Kirzbraun--Pucci theorem constitute emendations to the standard itinerary. The last two chapters . . . contain more special material on rearrangements, BMO, and embedding theorems for functions in Sobolev space.„   —CHOICE

“DiBenedetto's writing style is quite concise. There is generally not a lot of introductory or motivational material. The theorems are well marked, and the material is well organized.... To summarize, I found DiBenedetto's book to be on par with Rudin's Real and Complex Analysis book. In my estimation, this means that it would serve as an outstanding reference book for someone already familiar with the topic, but would not be the best textbook for the typical introductory graduate course in real analysis.„   —MAA

“This is a textbook on the vast field of real analysis. . . Each section is rounded off by a paragraph on 'problems and complements.' It brims with requests to the reader encourging him (or her) to prove something or to try something out. . . DiBenedetto's work is a thoroughbred among the analysis books.  The sheer richness in content is awesome.  I can recommend it to anyone who is already pretty much familiar with the realm of real analysis and who is looking for a comprehensive monograph in a modern style."   —IMN

Real Analysis

von Emmanuele DiBenedetto

This graduate text in real analysis is a solid building block for research in analysis, PDEs, the calculus of variations, probability, and approximation theory. It covers all the core topics, such as a basic introduction to functional analysis, and it discusses other topics often not addressed including Radon measures, the Besicovitch covering Theorem, the Rademacher theorem, and a constructive presentation of the Stone-Weierstrass Theoroem.