The Third Algerian Workshop on Astronomy and Astrophysics | ISBN 9780735408524

The Third Algerian Workshop on Astronomy and Astrophysics

herausgegeben von N. Mebarki und J. Mimouni
Herausgegeben vonN. Mebarki
Herausgegeben vonJ. Mimouni
Buchcover The Third Algerian Workshop on Astronomy and Astrophysics  | EAN 9780735408524 | ISBN 0-7354-0852-1 | ISBN 978-0-7354-0852-4

The Third Algerian Workshop on Astronomy and Astrophysics

herausgegeben von N. Mebarki und J. Mimouni
Herausgegeben vonN. Mebarki
Herausgegeben vonJ. Mimouni
The Workshop aims at strengthening international astrophysicist, astronomers and cosmologists community by being a meeting for exchange and keeping updated on the latest advances in the various subjects. The presented talks bridged the gap between the different fields making it possible for non-experts in a given subject to gain insight into new areas. The main topics were high energy, cosmic rays, extra galactic astrophysics, the space connection, cosmology, solar, stellar and interstellar physics, observation techniques and observatories. The plenary lectures which were very accessible to a general audience had covered the topics of basic cosmic knowledge, high energy astrophysics in general, seismology of the sun and stars, science with robotic observatories, extrasolar planets, disk galaxy evolution, techniques associated with robotic observatories and the role of astronomy in space technology development.