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Person Sylvère Lotringer

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Sylvère Lotringer bei Diaphanes

Sylvère Lotringer In the mid 1970s he founded Semiotext(e), a research group that became the journal and later a publishing house. Semiotext(e) has played an essential role in the dialogue between the art world, the world of philosophy, critical thinking and the punk scene of downtown. Semiotext(e) affiliates meet in clubs, on university campuses and in the desert of New Mexico. It has accompanied Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Paul Virilio, Jean Baudrillard, Patti Smith, John Cage, Italian revolutionaries and the Black Panthers. Sylvère Lotringer has led a life as a theorist, editor, filmmaker, and existential experimenter, which makes him a legendary figure today.

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