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Person Peter Hinze

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Peter Hinze bei Hinze, Peter

The Great Himalaya Trail is one of the longest and most difficult trails worldwide. At some sections it reaches a height of almost 6,000 meters. At the same time, however, the path is also lifeline for Millions of people and an age-old, increasingly endangered trade route. The journalist and Ultra marathon runner Peter Hinze is the distance from over 1,800 kilometers across Nepal. From this incomparable running adventure from the border India to the gates of China, but especially of his encounters with the people on the trail, theirs Traditions, hopes and fears for one uncertain future he reports in this book. Hinze gives up to date insight into the situation of unique mountainous region and its inhabitants, which are the challenges of climate change, of Civilization and road construction, the still visible Aftermath of past earthquakes and geopolitical power interests of its neighbors have to. Interviews tell local people which change the Himalayan region is undergoing and how they live their lives under extreme climatic and master topographic requirements. For all trail enthusiasts Hinze provides many practical Travel tips from planning to equipment included a short description of his daily stages. Peter Hinze was editor for several Travel magazines and co-founder of the News magazine FOCUS, where he u. a. as an editor the tourism department was responsible. Today he works as a freelance journalist and author. Since 1982 Peter Hinze traveled to the Himalayas over 25 times and led in this time several times interviews with Sir Edmund Hillary, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Apa Sherpa as well Reinhold Messner. In the trail running scene, Peter took Hinze has been working since 2003 on various ultramarathon Race successful part u. a. in Namibia, Bhutan and on the Mount Everest. He is a proven Himalayan expert and Nepal connoisseurs.

Peter Hinze bei Knesebeck

Peter Hinze war als Redakteur für verschiedene Reisemagazine tätig und Mitbegründer des Nachrichtenmagazins FOCUS. Dort war er u. a. verantwortlicher Redakteur für das Thema Reise und verantwortete die Produktion von Reise-Sonderheften. Heute arbeitet er als freiberuflicher Journalist und Buchautor. Seit 1982 reiste Peter Hinze 21 Mal in den Himalaya und führte in dieser Zeit mehrmals Interviews mit Sir Edmund Hillary, Seiner Heiligkeit dem 14. Dalai Lama, Apa Sherpa sowie Reinhold Messner. In der Trailrunning-Szene nahm Peter Hinze seit 2003 an unterschiedlichen Ultra-Marathon-Rennen erfolgreich teil u. a. in Namibia, Bhutan und am Mount Everest. Er ist ausgewiesener Himalaya-Experte und Nepal-Kenner.

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