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Person Klaus-Dirk Schmitz

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Klaus-Dirk Schmitz bei tcworld

Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dirk Schmitz, geb. 1951, Dipl.-Informatiker, Promotion in Angewandter Sprachwissenschaft und Informationswissenschaft. Von 1992 bis 2017 Professor für Terminologiewissenschaft an der Technischen Hochschule Köln. Stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Deutschen Terminologie-Tags (DTT), Vizepräsident des Internationalen Terminologienetzes (TermNet) und Vorsitzender des DIN-Normenausschusses Terminologie NAT.

Klaus-Dirk Schmitz bei tekom Deutschland

Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dirk Schmitz is Full Professor of Terminology Studies at Cologne University of Applied Sciences in Germany. His teaching and research activities focus on terminology theory and terminology management as wells as on software localization and computer tools for translators. Numerous articles and books where he acts as author, co-author and editor show his excellent expertise in these fields. Prof. Schmitz has also taken a leadership role in national and international forums e.g. as president of the International Information Centre for Terminology Infoterm (2001–2009), vice-president of the German Terminology Association, chairman of the German Standards Committee on Computer Applications in Terminology and member of several advisory boards.

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