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Person Burkhardt Funk

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Burkhardt Funk bei Rheinwerk Publishing

Professor Burkhardt Funk studied physics and information technology at the universities of Kiel, Würzburg and Stony Brook (USA). After obtaining his PhD degree, he began work in 1997 at McKinsey & Company, where he was a consultant in the areas of retail banking and e-business for international banking institutions. In 2000, he founded his own company. Today, Burkhardt Funk is Professor of Information Management at the University of Lüneburg, Germany. At the Institute for Electronic Business Processes, his areas of work include the business process-oriented integration of business IT systems and the application of web service-based technologies. He is also a managing partner of the Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftsinformatik Lüneburg mbH (Lüneburg Society for Information Management (GWIL)), the main activity of which is carrying out development-intensive projects in the SAP area.

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