Falling asleep with the help of Archangel Chamuel von Elisabeth Constantine | Guided Angel Meditations for Children | ISBN 9783850688185

Falling asleep with the help of Archangel Chamuel

Guided Angel Meditations for Children

von Elisabeth Constantine
Buchcover Falling asleep with the help of Archangel Chamuel | Elisabeth Constantine | EAN 9783850688185 | ISBN 3-85068-818-6 | ISBN 978-3-85068-818-5

Falling asleep with the help of Archangel Chamuel

Guided Angel Meditations for Children

von Elisabeth Constantine
In these easily understandable Meditations we invite the heavenly powers of Archangel Chamuel to restore and deepen your little Earth-Angels sleep with his gentle, rose-pink healing energies. The Meditations will further your child"s relaxation of body, mind and spirit. Guided by Elisabeth we undertake three different magical journeys with Archangel Chamuel, accompanies by delightful music, which enhances the therapeutic effect of the story-line.