Gay RoomMates - Naughty Boys Private Vol.1 | Photo Collection | ISBN 9783957301185

Gay RoomMates - Naughty Boys Private Vol.1

Photo Collection

herausgegeben von Goliath
Buchcover Gay RoomMates - Naughty Boys Private Vol.1  | EAN 9783957301185 | ISBN 3-95730-118-1 | ISBN 978-3-95730-118-5

Gay RoomMates - Naughty Boys Private Vol.1

Photo Collection

herausgegeben von Goliath
“Karim Konrad’s visual assault on the senses is overwhelming, and his models are ripe with their luscious youth. The artist’s orgy of color explodes with sexiness and energy, pushing the viewer ever closer to a mental climax as he turns each page of this wonderful collection by this gifted newcomer.” – Reed Massengill