Fragments of Berlin von Raffaela Rondini | Water | ISBN 9783946682073

Fragments of Berlin


von Raffaela Rondini, aus dem Italienischen übersetzt von Alexander Booth
Autor / AutorinRaffaela Rondini
Fotograf / FotografinFrank Nagel
Übersetzt vonAlexander Booth
Buchcover Fragments of Berlin | Raffaela Rondini | EAN 9783946682073 | ISBN 3-946682-07-3 | ISBN 978-3-946682-07-3

Fragments of Berlin


von Raffaela Rondini, aus dem Italienischen übersetzt von Alexander Booth
Autor / AutorinRaffaela Rondini
Fotograf / FotografinFrank Nagel
Übersetzt vonAlexander Booth
The series Fragments of Berlin is a collection of literary guides to the city that not only bring us closer to some of its lesser-known sites, but reintroduce us to the ones we thought we already knew through new and unexpected perspectives.
A series of self-consciously subjective walks through the German capital’s history, art, literature, society and landscapes enriched by bigger and smaller anecdotes, which help the reader form their own opinion about this ever-changing and contradictory city.