Analysis of the state-of-the-art of LNG transportation and handling von Dalia Baziuke | ISBN 9783945910030

Analysis of the state-of-the-art of LNG transportation and handling

von Dalia Baziuke und weiteren
Autor / AutorinDalia Baziuke
Autor / AutorinLudmiła Filina-Dawidowicz
Autor / AutorinManfred Grigo
Autor / AutorinSebastian Grigo
Autor / AutorinLutz Laschewski
Autor / AutorinStasys Paulauskas
Autor / AutorinTatjana Paulauskiene
Autor / AutorinPaulius Rapalis
Autor / AutorinCarsten Schürmann
Autor / AutorinIouri N. Semenov
Autor / AutorinMaciej Taczała
Autor / AutorinWojciech Tuchowski
Autor / AutorinPawel Warszycki
Buchcover Analysis of the state-of-the-art of LNG transportation and handling | Dalia Baziuke | EAN 9783945910030 | ISBN 3-945910-03-X | ISBN 978-3-945910-03-0

Analysis of the state-of-the-art of LNG transportation and handling

von Dalia Baziuke und weiteren
Autor / AutorinDalia Baziuke
Autor / AutorinLudmiła Filina-Dawidowicz
Autor / AutorinManfred Grigo
Autor / AutorinSebastian Grigo
Autor / AutorinLutz Laschewski
Autor / AutorinStasys Paulauskas
Autor / AutorinTatjana Paulauskiene
Autor / AutorinPaulius Rapalis
Autor / AutorinCarsten Schürmann
Autor / AutorinIouri N. Semenov
Autor / AutorinMaciej Taczała
Autor / AutorinWojciech Tuchowski
Autor / AutorinPawel Warszycki
The report aims at presenting the state-of-the-art of LNG transportation and handling in selected countries of the South-Baltic-Region (SBR), as well as education and certification possibilities. It covers brief characteristics of LNG supply/value chains, state of LNG usage in the SBR (including the situation in Germany, Poland and Lithuania), LNG safety and risk-management, target groups of LNG knowledge, existing education and training in the LNG industry, as well as certification process descriptions and conclusions.