History of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan von Boran Aziz | ISBN 9783945686041

History of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan

von Boran Aziz
Buchcover History of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan | Boran Aziz | EAN 9783945686041 | ISBN 3-945686-04-0 | ISBN 978-3-945686-04-1

History of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan

von Boran Aziz
However, Armenians, who betrayed the state where they lived and were given every support for centuries have procreated crimes and barbarisms that haven’t analogues in the history, showed themselves as poor and meek people. It is very much important to unmask Armenian nationalists who have carried out policy of genocide and deportation against Azerbaijanians and Turkish nations during long times and realized this policy stage by stage and to lay the essence of their insidious and venturesome policy bare, to exposure them by objective facts and by the way, to restore the historical justice. From his point of view, there is great need for objectively lightening of relations between Azer-baijan and Armenia, internal and external factors influenc-ing these relations, genocide and deportation policy carried out by Armenians against our nation, and introducing these facts to the World Community. Of course, so many works have been carried out by historians of our Republic for this aim and very significant scientific works were written as well. But, nevertheless, this work has to be continued and untruth information of Armenian nationalists has timely to be prevented, all facts about their traitor deeds and devil traits have to be introduced to the world and by the way, historical truth has to be revealed and objectively lightened by activating the mechanism of propaganda. Then, traitor and provocative deeds of Armenians will be clear to the world. This work – that will eliminate this void, attracts at-tention for its actuality. As the structure of the work that consists of introduction and eight chapters has been formed rightly, subject has been involved completely. B. Aziz notes that as the result of ethnic cleansing and genocide policy carried out by the organizational activities of Russia, and execution of Armenians, our nation has ex-posed to the hard deprivations, tragedies and troubles. We agree with the author when he notes that, decrees “about mass deportation of Azerbaijanians from their historical ethnic lands in the territory of Armenia in 1948-1953” and “about genocide of Azerbaijanians” signed on December 17, 1997 and March 26, 1998 by the national leader of our nation Haydar Aliyev have great roles in investigation and popularization of wildnesses carried out by Armenians against our nation. I must note that, this work, which determines realiza-tion of these purposes as the duty may be very much helpful for introducing historical truth described in archive docu-ments and facts described in fundamental works of distin-guished historians and antique authors. One of good features of the work is: author has writ-ten about organizers and executors of genocides carried out against our nation according to concrete facts and doc-uments. B. Aziz has written about reasons, realization meth-ods and results of genocides on the basis of large generali-zation and comparative analyzes. I must note that, many works have been written about Khojali genocide in literary publicistic statistic memorial journals. But, I can coura-geously say that, in this work history of Khojali genocide has been written according to historical analyze for the first time. The author has analyzed this genocide on the back-ground of all processes which occurred in USSR, Europe, Near and Middle Asia and generally in the world. Follow-ing right conclusion has been obtained in the work: Ene-mies wanted to break our nation’s will and to make them to renounce their independence by means of genocides, but they could not achieve their goals. If our nation could de-fend independence of our state that has been founded by thousands of troubles and victims, it means that enemies could not achieve their goals. By taking into consideration all these, I recommend to publish the work.
Doctor of history, prof. A. J. Isgandarov