Verführung Freiheit – Digitaler Katalog | Kunst in Europa seit 1945, XXX. Europaratsausstellung | ISBN 9783942422987

Verführung Freiheit – Digitaler Katalog

Kunst in Europa seit 1945, XXX. Europaratsausstellung

herausgegeben von Monika Flacke
Buchcover Verführung Freiheit – Digitaler Katalog  | EAN 9783942422987 | ISBN 3-942422-98-0 | ISBN 978-3-942422-98-7

Verführung Freiheit – Digitaler Katalog

Kunst in Europa seit 1945, XXX. Europaratsausstellung

herausgegeben von Monika Flacke
The Desire for Freedom – Digital Catalogue Art in Europe since 1945, 30th Council of Europe Art Exhibition
The 30th Council of Europe Art Exhibition presents 180 works from 36 countries, which have been concerned with the topic of freedom since 1945. The exhibition’s focus is not so much on the two Cold War power blocs with their well-known ideological and political contradictions. Rather it aims to draw attention to the manifold ways in which artists from the east and the west responded to the shaping of freedom. How did both blocs act on realising still valid challenges posed by the Enlightenment, universal human and political rights and the aspiration to improve humankind? Twelve chapters present the artistic examination of the two conceptual entities reason and history and raise basic questions concerning our social existence: How do individuals want to live, what do they orientate themselves by? Which responsibilities do politics, the state, and the society have in helping people live a humane life? Where do we draw the lines for individual freedom, where do someone else’s boundaries start? Should our desire for a socially and ecologically secure future be part of the human rights catalogue? Includes essays by Horst Bredekamp, Etienne François, Michail Schischkin, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, György Dalos, i. a. The digital catalogue contains the complete contents of the printed edition alongside other materials: approximately 200 essays by over 100 authors, 400 illustrations and videos, 200 artist biographies, and several search functions. With the purchase of the digital catalogue you will be sent an e-mail which includes an access code giving you permission to view the publication online anytime.